Connecticut Medicare Insurance Agents
There are currently 749 Medicare insurance agents licensed in Connecticut.
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- Aafouallah, Ziad
- Aarons, Neill
- Abarca, Jenalyn
- Abbott, Brian
- Abdelaziz, Sameh
- Abdulahad, Naim
- Abdulkareem, Ameen
- Abdullah, Lasami
- Ablahani, Vincent
- Aburto, Cristian
- Acevedo, Helen
- Acevedo, Mari
- Acosta, Michael
- Adams, Valerie
- Adler, Phillip
- Affe, Jonathan
- Agent, Cornell
- Agosta, Richard
- Ahmed, Sameena
- Albano, Jason
- Alderson, Christopher
- Aldred, Veronica
- Alemu, Elleni
- Alexander, Robin
- Alexander II, Jaye Maxx
- Allain, Daniel
- Allen, Cindy
- Allyn-gauthier, Sandra
- Alvarez, Gretchen
- Amanor, Prince
- Ammons, Thomas
- Anderson, Brenna
- Anderson, Kerri
- Andre, Max
- Andrew, Heather
- Andrews, Christine
- Andrews, Marsha
- Andrews, Nichole
- Andrews, Michael
- Angevine, Robert
- Anton, Ashley
- Antonucci, Alexander
- Apack, Rene
- Aquadro, Christopher
- Arce, Raymond
- Armbrecht, Keith
- Atkins, Quixote
- Atwood, Kristy
- Aubin, Avra
- Auchey, Chad
- Augusta, Amelia
- Austin, Elizabeth
- Austin, Peter
- Auty, Thomas
- Avila, Christina
- Bailen, Lisa
- Bailey, Joy
- Baker, Erik
- Baker, Joyce
- Baldino, Johnny
- Ball, Michael
- Banks, Carly
- Barbosa, Miguel
- Bardram, Matthew J.
- Bare, Jason
- Barna, Gary Ted
- Barnes, Marcie
- Barnickel, Melissa
- Barone, Jeffrey
- Barrett, Paul
- Bartnik, Mike
- Batkin, Stephen
- Batsell, Mickey
- Bauman, Mark
- Beaudette, Travis
- Beddows, James
- Bednarz, Maureen
- Begley, James
- Bellinder, Linda
- Belt, Larry
- Beltran, Ana
- Benmosche, Michael
- Benoit, Brian
- Benson, Qualisha
- Bernal, Jonathan
- Bertolino, Donald
- Bettger, Patricia
- Beyer, William
- Billings, Bruce
- Birmingham, Laura
- Blair, Eileen
- Blank, Stephen
- Blier, George
- Bodner, Craig
- Boeing, Greg
- Boley, Jeffrey
- Bolt, Misty
- Bondos, Christie
- Bosco, Lisa
- Boston, Raymond
- Bowman, Timothy
- Bowman, Steve
- Boyle, Michael
- Branch, Travis
- Breedlove, Darice
- Brennen, Lori
- Bresky, Waine
- Brickman, Mel
- Brier, Jeffrey
- Brigidi, Gregory
- Brilla, Stephanie
- Brindle, Christian
- Brooks, Troy
- Brooks, Stephen
- Brotman, Jay
- Brown, Desiree
- Brown, Larry
- Brown, Nichole
- Brown, Roxanne
- Brown, Timothy
- Brownstein, Mark
- Bryant, Christopher
- Buhr, Madaly
- Burgoyne, Francis
- Burns, James
- Burrell, Delroy
- Butler, John
- Byrnes, James
- Cabrera, Victoria
- Caccamo, David
- Cahill, Martin
- Calabrese, Dan
- Calemmo, Joseph
- Calnan SR, Adam
- Campbell, Deneace
- Campbell, Michele
- Cannaday, Pamela
- Carias, Marc
- Carrino, Christopher
- Carter, Nicole
- Casanova, Luzelenia
- Casella, Nicola
- Caslin, Darcy
- Cassagnol, Ernscie
- Castner, Paul
- Castro, Rosalinda
- Cedillo, Israel
- Cermeno, Gloriana
- Cervantez, Melissa
- Cervantez, Ezequiel
- Cessario, Gina
- Chaikin, Kevin
- Chambers, Julian
- Chapman, Jalen
- Charles, Michelle
- Cherry, Cynthia
- Chertkov, Evan
- Chester, Jeremy
- Childree, Regan
- Cirrito, Marsha
- Ciucci, Marjorie
- Claassen, Matthew
- Clark, Michael
- Clark, Charles
- Cobb, Robert
- Cobb, Jeffrey
- Coburn, Kobey
- Cofrancesco, Gerald
- Colbert, Verlyn
- Cole, Scott
- Coleman, Tyler
- Collazo, Kareen
- Collins, Agninshalah
- Colvin, Justin
- Comstock, Howard
- Condon, Daniel
- Condon, Sean
- Coogan, Michael
- Coon, James
- Coon, Shelly
- Coopersmith, Mitchell
- Cordial, Carrie
- Cotten, Kim
- Covington-Plerqui, Charline
- Cox, Jennifer
- Coyne-Byrne, Mary
- Crawford, Addison
- Cronin, Steven
- Cross, Jory
- Cross, Richard
- Cruz Quintana, Marilyn
- Cullom, Diane
- Curless, Dixie
- Czizik, Joseph
- Dahlquist, William
- Daly, Thomas
- Davis, Sonya
- Davisson, Mark
- De Gregorio, Michael
- Demeritt, Alina
- Dempsey, Brenda
- Deschino, Kenneth
- DeVito, Mickey
- Diaz, Paul
- Diaz, Anaissa
- DiBuccio, Anthony
- Dickerson, Bryce
- Diego, Oscar
- Dietrich, Jennifer
- Digiovanni, Joseph
- Disotell, Carrie
- DiStasio, Doreen
- Distel, Kenneth
- Dodge, Christopher
- Doherty, Justin
- Dooley, Cody
- Dorset, Richard
- Douglas, Compton
- Dow, Sheila
- Doyle, Jason
- Drnek, Sharon
- Drury, Charles
- Dumont, Steven
- Durrell, Philip
- Duvert, Josue
- Edwards, Delon
- Ellis, Stephen
- Elmore, Clay
- Elsewisy, Ehab
- Engelage, Patricia
- Engelhardt, Brian
- Engengro, Marianne
- Enisman, Evan
- Espin, Jose
- Ettangi, Mostafa
- Evangelista, Tony
- Evans-Campbell, Euphemia
- Exy Louis, Georgilton
- Fain, Brian
- Falbo, Kim
- Farkas, Lowell
- Farrell, Sean
- Fava, Timothy
- Favreau, Cheryl
- Fede, Robert
- Feinberg, Michael
- Feldman, Marty
- Felix, Lucky
- Feltman, Erik
- Fennimore, Geri
- Feret, Niki
- Ferrandino, Anthony
- Ferrer, Rodrigo
- Field, Judi
- Figlar, Marc
- Finn, Shandell
- Finnegan, Joanna
- Firmin, Andrew
- Fischer, Rae-Carole
- Fisher, Erin
- Flynn, Anne
- Foran, Mindy
- Ford, Margie
- Foster, Jonathan
- Foxx, John
- Frazier, Matthew
- Free, Alison
- Freitas, Brad
- Friedler, Jay
- Frimmet, Terry
- Fritz, Bruce
- Furnari, Joe
- Gabriel, Mariangel
- Gaetgens, Linda
- Gaffney, Patrick
- Garry, William
- Garza, Matthew
- Gaska, Nancy
- Gavino, Elizabeth
- Geldhauser, Judith
- Geller, Andrew
- Gerard, Paula
- Ginn, Cherilyn
- Giordano, Lee
- Giordano, Greg
- Glassman, Lee
- Glaze, Bob
- Glikberg, Boris
- Goddard, Nathan
- Godfrey, Peter
- Godfrey, Angelina
- Gold, Diane
- Goldberg, Barry
- Gonzalez, Angela
- Gosetti, Steven
- Grabois, Adam
- Grady, Anthony
- Graham, Nathaniel
- Graham, Andre
- Grandpre, Michele
- Greenberg, Brian
- Greenberg, Joe
- Greenwald, Suzanne
- Gregory, Richard
- Gribble, Meagan
- Griffin, Sharon
- Griffin, Lloyd
- Guempel, Herbert
- Guignard, Jean
- Gunn, Curtis
- Haase Reimer, Betsy
- Hacker, Darron
- Haft, Gary
- Hagan, Laura
- Haley, Deb
- Hall, Jamaal
- Hancock, PJ
- Hand, Mark
- Hanna, Teresa
- Harless, Matthew
- Harris, Darrel
- Harris, Brent
- Harris, Jacqueline
- Hartman, Lacey
- Hartmann, Caitlyn
- Haslach, Peggy
- Hawkins, Lauren
- Haynes, Bobbie
- Haynor, William
- Heard, Steven
- Heath, Eric
- Heckel, Ted
- Helsel, Benjamin
- Henderson, Gary
- Hernandez, Kate
- Hernandez, Kimberly
- Hernandez, Tobias
- Herrin, Selina
- Hess, Nathan
- Hewitt, Clifford
- Hickey, Brian
- Hicks, William
- Hicks, Kathleen
- Hiebel, Marissa
- Higenyi, Jeff
- Higgs, Deshante
- Higley, Sonia
- Hinding, Michael
- Hinson, Tom
- Hirsch, Warren
- Hitch, Michael
- Hobbs, Conrad
- Holmes, Nicholas
- Hoople, Wanda
- Horne, Dawn
- Horowitz, Lisa
- Howard, Adam
- Hurst, Jack
- Hurtault, Christine
- Hyers, Adam
- Iacopelli, Joel
- Ibanez, George
- Ing, Weldon
- Isnord, Jwanek
- Israel, Marsha
- Jarrell, Roslyn
- Jarvis, Victor
- Jassal, Jagmeet
- Jazxhi, Emine
- Jerry, Stephen
- Jetter, Art
- John, Edmund
- Johnson, Gordon
- Jones, Danielle
- Jones, Landon
- Jones, Lara
- Jones, Robert
- Jordan, Billy
- Julien, Nathaniel
- Juszkiewicz, David
- Kantharaju, Ben
- Karkiainen, David
- Katz, David
- Keating, Gizella
- Kennedy, Krista
- Kenney, Joel
- Kerby, Scott
- Kern, Bruce
- Kesilewski, Stanley
- Kim, David
- King, David
- King, Richard
- Kirchner, Candice
- Kirsch, Kim
- Klarman, Mindy
- Kleinberg, Hershel
- Kocsis, Bruce
- Kokot, Kyle
- Kolitsas, George
- Koneazny, Paul
- Kononenko, Vitaliy
- Korosidis, Anatoli
- Kovar, Chiara
- Kozlowski, Richard
- Krantz, Brian
- Krantz, Michael
- Krantz, Mark
- Krieger, Helen
- Krotowski, Stanley
- Kubit, Adam
- Kunst, Thomas
- Kupczyk, Henry
- Labanz, Jennifer
- Lacy, Ross
- Laferriere, Keith
- Lamanna-Prince, Aubrey
- Lambert, Kelli
- Lambert, Jim
- Lamonte, Peter
- Lancto, Karen
- Landino, Frank
- Lange, Scott
- Larocque, Linda
- Larsen, Becky
- Lasaracina, Jaclyn
- Lasaracina, Richard
- Laurent, David
- Lavoie, Robert
- Lawson, Tommy
- Lebeau, Matthew
- Ledgerwood, Michael
- Lee, Charles
- Leffler, Allan
- Lesko, Robert
- Letarte, Jesse
- Lewis, Alexander
- Lilly III, Don
- Lindskoog, Kristine
- Litt, Derrick
- Lofaso, Jack
- Lohrey, Derek
- Lopez, Tammi
- Lubenow, Justin
- Luccaro, Karen
- Luzuriaga, Thea
- MacCalla, Melissa
- Machado, Richard
- MacNiven, David
- Manas, Fred
- Manigold, Melinda
- Mann, Michael
- Marchant, Thomas
- Marino, Doreen
- Markey, Julia
- Martin, Brandy
- Mason, Denise
- Massie, Taylor
- Matica, Michael
- Mattern, Gregory
- May, Tom
- Maynard, Carlos
- Mazzucco, Anthony
- McArthur, Brian
- McCarthy, Eric
- McCloskey, Bill
- Mccloskey, Wendy
- McCracken, Scott
- McDowell, Jason
- McHenry, Beth
- McKay, Jessica
- McKay, Annette
- McLaughlin, Charles
- McLiverty, Keith
- Mcpherson, Bryan
- McRae, Douglas
- Meachen, Christopher
- Meehan, James
- Mehl, Dale
- Mendenhall, Michael
- Mendez, Juan
- Mendonsa, Keith
- Mendoza, Martha
- Mercante, Trudy
- Meyer, Zachary
- Meyer, Martin
- Mijid, Naranchimeg
- Miles, Enroy
- Miligi, Michael
- Millman, Robyn
- Milner, Seixas
- Miner, Elin
- Mistretta, Joan
- Mitchell, Billy
- Mitchell, Patrick
- Mitchell, Vin
- Mitchell, Eleanor
- Moen, Nathan
- Montelepre, John
- Moody, Danielle
- Morell, Ciara
- Morrison, Christian
- Moser, Samuel
- Moss, Clifford
- Mostafaie, Amir
- Motzenbecker, Peter
- Mucci, Jarrett
- Mueller, Janet
- Mueller, Nathan
- Mullins, Donald
- Muniz, Juan
- Murphy, Robert
- Murphy, Michael
- Murray, Terri
- Murray, William
- Murray, Karen
- Mut, Lynn
- Myers, Mackenzie
- Nagle, Pamela
- Nanai, Kathryn
- Napoli, Ronald
- Napolitano, Robert
- Natalie, Murphy
- Natarajan, Ravi
- Nelson, Justin
- Nestor, Hasana
- Nestor, Robert
- Neves, Donna
- Newman, Megan
- Newson, Jovan
- Nichols, Scott
- Ninke, Jane
- Noujaim, George
- Novak, Evan
- Nowakowski, Jamie
- Nyarkoh, Peter
- O'Rourke, Kevin
- OBrien, Traci
- Olander, Jim
- Oliver, Kevin
- Ordogne, Luke
- Ospina, Angela
- Ostrofsky, Michael
- Ostrow, Michael
- Pariseau, Renee
- Parker, Richard
- Parker, John
- Parkes, Eunice
- Patterson, Diane
- Patterson, Val
- Pelletier, Louis
- Pena, Amanda
- Pennix, Jennine
- Pensky, Lynn
- Perez, Luis
- Perrigo, Matilda
- Perry, Barbara
- Peters, Sherry
- Peterson, Claudia
- Petrochilos, Clark
- Piergallini, Michael
- Pito, Jessalyn
- Plante, Laurie
- Plazas, Yolanda
- Ploumis, Annette
- Poeck, Thomas
- Pollard, Laura
- Polley, Barry
- Poole, Tammy
- Pope, Brandon
- Porcena, Renee
- Porter, Crystal
- Posillico, Bryan
- Powers, Desiree
- Predzimirski, Terry
- Preli, David
- Pritchard, Dianne
- Pujols, Cesarina
- Pulver, Amy
- Putrino, Amy
- Qerim, David
- Qiu, Yingfeng
- Quintiliano, Scott
- Radway, Latoya
- Rahmani, Mariia
- Rao, Karthik
- Reese, Amanda
- Regini, Karen
- Reid-Alexander, Daffodil
- Resler, Melanie
- Riley, Billy
- Riordan, Timothy
- Riviere, Nicole
- Roberts, Kevin
- Roberts, Rae
- Roberts, Hunter
- Robertson, Marc
- Robutti, Fatima
- Rocourt, Kurt
- Rodriguez-Martinez, Marcos
- Rogers, Ron
- Rosenberg, Ronnie
- Rosenthal, David
- Ross, Elizabeth
- Ross, Tracy
- Runyan, Jill
- Russek, Jeffrey
- Russell, Andy ''Drew ''
- Russo, Dominick
- Rutherford, Sharie
- Sadowski, Anne
- Sage, Springli
- Salem, Jonathan
- Samuel, Rubina
- Sanet, Brian
- Sawyers, Edward
- Schachter, Debbie
- Scheiner, Justin
- Schermer, Marc
- Schiripo, Alexander
- Schlobohm, John
- Schneider, Richard
- Schor, Susan
- Schwizer, Stacey
- Scofield, Elena
- Seals, Gregory
- Seiden, Julie
- Seno, Michael
- Severts, Sean
- Shah, Ajay
- Shansky, William
- Shepherd, Kenneth
- Sherman, Michael
- Shetty, Asha
- Shields, Tammeron
- Shirley, Derrick
- Shope, Joseph
- Siegel, Simon
- Sigler, Kenneth
- Siler, Julian
- Silverman, Edward
- Silverman, Howell
- Sims, Aaron
- Sinclair, Alison
- Singleton, Tom
- Singleton-Scott, Bridget
- Siruchek, Jason
- Slattery, Dan
- Sloane, Andrew
- Smedley, Jesse
- Smith, Robin
- Smith, Craig
- Smith, Miriam
- Snyder, Brian
- Sorensen, Morten
- Sosa, George
- Souk, Frank
- Sourragh, Yvonne
- Souza, Jason
- Souza, Karen
- Spaulding, Patrick
- Spence, Reginald
- Spera, Vincent
- Sprotte, Robert
- Spurlin, Brian
- Stein, Michael Jared
- Stephanos, France
- Stucky, Wilma
- Suggs, Melissa
- Sulano, Patricia
- Sullivan, Helen
- Sutton, Tessa
- Suzio, James
- Sweatt, Robert
- Sweeney, James
- Sylvester, Sam
- Szabo, Karen
- Szuminski, Maciej
- Tabet, Kevin
- Tarbe, Steve
- Tatlock, Keith
- Taxiltaridis, Sara
- Taylor, Walter
- Taylor, Craig
- Taylor, Jackson
- Temmen, Matt
- Tetreault, Brendan
- Thieme, Susan
- Thoma, Roberta
- Thompson, Dorene
- Thompson, Aurora
- Thornton, Timothy
- Thrash, Jason
- Tinsley, Charley
- Tirpak, David
- Tisdale, Jeffrey
- Tober, Janet
- Tolson, Robert
- Tomberlin, Ken
- Toscano, Nicholas
- Toscano-Watson, Samantha
- Townsend, David
- Townsend, Charlene
- Tretola, Jim
- Twarog, Tracey
- Ukonne, Mfon
- Vacila, Nicole
- Ventura, Carlos
- Villanueva, Maria
- Villegas, Ron
- Vinci, Carmelo
- Violetta, Joe
- Wahl, Brandon
- Waldman, Keith
- Walker, Len
- Walker, Jessica
- Wanner, DJ
- Ward, Rebecca
- Warren, Jeffrey
- Warren, Carole
- Warten, Martin
- Wassmer, Tara
- Werbil, Doris
- Wheeler, Charles
- Whitbeck, Richard
- White, Alicia
- Whiteley, William
- Wiernik, Roberta
- Wiggins, Renee
- Wildstein, Jay
- Wilhelm, Melinda
- Williams, Justin
- Willis, Deana
- Willis, Lucilia
- Wilson, Laura
- Wilson, Mark
- Wood, Marie
- Woods, Frederick
- Woodson, Angie
- Woodworth, Mary
- Wright, Dwight
- Wright, Bridget
- Wright, Sheri
- Wrightson, Derik
- Yanotchko, Daniel
- Young, Peter
- Zeitler, Joseph
- Zelinsky, Robin
- Ziegler, Brian
- Zieminski, Diane