Melissa MacCalla, Medicare Insurance Broker

About Me

Meet Melissa MacCalla, President of Senior HealthCare Solutions, a leading authority in Medicare with a heartfelt family touch. Her journey from Leadership Brevard graduate to Medicare expert reflects her dedication to personal growth and community.

What sets Melissa apart is her unwavering commitment to seniors. Her family-owned business, with her mother Denise and brother Ken, embodies a unique dedication to serving the elderly in their community.

Melissa’s Florida roots shine through her Florida State University alumni status, despite spirited family sports rivalries. In her competitive family, she shares a special bond with her daughter and eldest niece, born just months apart, adding warmth to her vibrant family life.

Professionally, Melissa simplifies the complex world of Medicare for seniors. Her unexpected transition into this field stems from a profound desire to help seniors navigate the intricate system, offering clarity amid confusion.

Melissa’s journey exemplifies passion, dedication, and community engagement, transforming from an adventurer to a trusted advocate in Medicare. Her commitment, combined with her family’s support, makes her a standout figure in healthcare and beyond.

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