Do I have to answer health questions when switching from one Supplemental/Medigap plan to another?

In 2025, some states allow a "Birthday Rule" allowing seniors to change plan to plan at or around their birth month. For example, the senior may be able to change from Medicare Supplement Plan G with company A to Plan G with company B with no health questions during their birth month.

In other states where this provision does not exist, in most cases, a senior with chronic illnesses cannot switch to another Medicare Supplement plan or company without Underwriting (a.k.a. health questions) and some health conditions and/or prescriptions may prohibit the senior from changing plans.

Answered by Christopher Boyd on March 4, 2025

Agent Licensed in IN, KY, MI, OH, PA & TN

Answered by Christopher Boyd Medicare Insurance Agent
The questions that this is referring to is underwriting. Depending on your timing of the switch you may be required to go through underwriting. Again this is a case by case basis.

Answered by Gretchen Morris on March 4, 2025

Broker Licensed in MN, AZ, FL & WI

Answered by Gretchen Morris Medicare Insurance Agent
This depends. If you live in a Birthday Rule state, like California or Idaho, you have an opportunity to switch plans on a Guaranteed Issue basis around your birthday, which means you can be a serious health condition and still get a new plan with no questions asked. If you go at any other time of year, or your state doesn't offer a Birthday Rule, then yes, you may be asked health questions.

Answered by Helena Foutz, RSSA on March 4, 2025

Broker Licensed in CA, AK, AR & 12 other states

Answered by Helena Foutz, RSSA Medicare Insurance Agent
It depends. There are a lot of factors to consider here, such as the State you reside in, how long you have had your current Medigap policy, and the timeline of when you plan to switch.
Unfortunately there are a lot of rules when it comes to Medicare Supplement policies. That’s why it’s important to work with a knowledgeable, trustworthy and licensed professional.

Answered by Samantha Jellison on March 6, 2025

Broker Licensed in NC, FL & SC

Answered by Samantha Jellison Medicare Insurance Agent
No one likes to hear "it depends" and unfortunately, this is the answer here. Most of the time, answering health questions will be necessary; however, there are special circumstances (e.g. moving to a new state) where switching will not require answering health questions.

Answered by Mark Slemons on March 5, 2025

Broker Licensed in AZ, CO, FL & 14 other states

Answered by Mark Slemons Medicare Insurance Agent
In order to move from one supplemental plan to another, you must remember that you’ll have to pass through the underwriting phase. This means the potentially new carrier is allowed to ask you health questions, if they are not satisfied with the answers they receive, they can decline the application or possibly charge you a higher premium than you’d normally be paying.

Answered by John Billetdoux on February 11, 2025

Broker Licensed in NJ, DE, FL, NC, PA & SC

Answered by John Billetdoux Medicare Insurance Agent

Tags: Eligibility Medicare Supplement