Guest Articles

Guest Article Program Details

By having a listing on Medicare Agents Hub, you have the unique opportunity to share your knowledge on Medicare with seniors from all over the country by contributing to our Medicare Resources for Seniors.

Here's how you'll benefit:

  • Demonstrate Your Expertise: Write about what you know best. Help seniors understand Medicare complexities with your articles, showing you're a go-to expert.
  • Enhance Your Visibility: As the featured author, your name and profile get spotlighted alongside your articles, making you more recognizable to potential clients.
  • Establish Authority: Stand out as a knowledgeable professional in the Medicare field.

To submit a guest article for consideration, please email [email protected] with an attachment including your article. Also feel free to reach out if you have any questions about this program.

Submit a New Guest Article

Article Guidelines

  1. Relevance: Articles must focus on Medicare, the insurance industry, or related topics.
  2. Originality: Content must be original and unpublished elsewhere.
  3. Length: Aim for 1,000-2,000 words.
  4. Accuracy: Ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date.
  5. Bio: Include a brief author bio.
  6. No Promotions: Avoid overt sales pitches or promotional links.