Charles Wheeler, Medicare Insurance Broker

About Me

Dedicated to helping clients with their healthcare needs and financial goals as they prepare for, or are already in, retirement. Being a trusted partner and advocate by providing solutions and options that are in my clients best interest.

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My Google Reviews

1 Total Reviews   (5.0)

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steve b
February 14, 2024

I have worked with Charles Wheeler the last few years on Medicare options. He provided helpful and honest recommendations and information on what was available to me. He was consistently thorough and prompt with his emails and our phone conversations were always productive. He is a straight shooter, easy to work with and seems like a genuine nice guy, as well as an expert in his field. If you need some guidance on Medicare options, I would recommend Charles as a great place to start.

Articles by Charles Wheeler

Turning 65 and New to Medicare: What To Do Next
Turning 65 and New to Medicare: What To Do Next

Written by: Charles Wheeler

The time has come, you are turning 65 and eligible for Medicare. This is called your Initial Enrollment Period. Most people dread this news as they feel they are getting old, but the truth is these are the “golden years” and should be the most enjoyable time of your life. That being said, now you need to figure out what to do about Medicare.