Ralph Coleman, Medicare Insurance Broker
About Me
Health and Life Insurance Agent since 2008
If you missed the AEP ( Annual Enrollment Period ) I may be able to get you a plan for a February 1 effective date.
If you have Medicare parts A and B only I can enroll you in a plan that will give you up to $140 per month to increase your social security check.
If you have Medicare and Medicaid I have a plan that provides you with the following benefits:
$0 Monthly premium
OTC Allowance
$0 Rx Copay Benefit
Transportation: 50 trips to plan-approved locations
up to $75/3-mos. OTC Allowance
Worldwide Emergency Coverage
$0 for the following preventive services:
Annual wellness visit
Breast cancer screening (mammogram)
Cardiovascular screenings
Cervical and vaginal cancer screening
Colorectal cancer screening
Diabetes screening
Lung cancer screening
Medicare diabetes prevention program (MDPP)
Prostate cancer screening exam
Routine physical exams
Bone mass measurement
PLUS, up to $225 on a Visa card EVERY MONTH to use for essential living expenses like eligible groceries, over-the-counter (OTC) products, utilities, rent, pet food and more.
All plan benefits are based on your zip code.
Call me with questions to see what you qualify for: 321-372-4439
Check the summary of benefits at: Plans7.com