Faye Hyman, Medicare Insurance Broker
About Me
Our Medicare Supplement Process is simple:
We will sit down with you, your family, and friends to:
1. Educate: We start by answering your questions to clarify Medicare.
2. Evaluate and Recommend: We look at what is available in your area. We evaluate the Medicare Supplement plans available and the insurance carriers that offer them to determine which plan and carrier will best meet your needs at the lowest price to you.
3. Enroll and Follow up: We handle the entire enrollment process from start to finish and then follow up yearly to re-evaluate to keep you in the best product for you.
Click here for Advantage Prescription drug plans
Medicare Part D Plans
We educate our clients on how to research the best plan out of 35 available( yearly) based on the Drugs they take, how often they take them, brand or generic, zip code, and what pharmacy they want. We even have a pharmacist on staff to help with this process. We do this yearly for no charge for our clients that have enrolled with us in the past.
We have done this for thousands of people. We will be glad to do this free of charge for you but we do ask that you allow us to do the enrollment into the plan you choose.
Medicare Advantage Plans
Our Highly Trained, Licensed, and Appointed Brokers will sit down with you and Educate, Evaluate, Recommend, and Enroll you in the appropriate plan for your needs. We represent many carriers and plans so you can be assured that you will always have the best product that is available for you. We research your providers network and drugs as often as you request to re-evaluate. We take care of you with the same care that we take care of our parents and friends parents.