Douglas Bates, Medicare Insurance Broker

About Me

֍ If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest indulgence. Never leave until tomorrow that which you can do today, for tomorrow is guaranteed to no one.
֍ I provide financial concierge services to women in transition such as widows and divorcees, who want to learn effective strategies in these seven financial service areas; Federal Taxes, Economic Inflation, Generational Wealth, Debt Structures, Frivolous Litigation, Longevity Risks, and Living Probate which includes Medicare planning so you aren't overwhelmed with the many options available to you. It isn’t the highest and best use of your time and energy to scour the hundreds of Medicare plans. I ensure you’ll never be treated like a number because my relationships are my most valuable assets.
֍ My unique business model of comprehensive concierge services ensures strategies in one area of your life don't adversely affect planning in other areas.

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