David Wilcox, Medicare Insurance Broker
About Me
David was born in Twin Falls and raised in Jerome, Idaho. He graduated from both Jerome High School , and the College of Southern Idaho. At age 22, he got his start in the insurance business on April 1, 1996. He followed in the footsteps of his father, two uncles, and both grandfathers.
For over 20-years, David has been an active member of the National Association of Benefits & insurance Professionals (NABIP). He has served as the Idaho State President as well as the Southern Idaho chapter president. He was recognized twice as the Health Insurance producer of the year. He is a 17-year member of the Leading Producer’s Round Table, attaining Soaring Eagle every year since 2012, the highest level or recognition.
David and Sharla Wilcox have 6-children, 3- grandchildren and have been married for over 25-years.