David Didier, Medicare Insurance Broker

About Me

I'm a Senior Advisor for over 35 years. My job is to educate you and help you understand the process and the options available to you so you may make an informed decision.

I know Medicare can be confusing and sometimes scary. I'm certified with Medicare and many Insurance companies too. I'm currently giving Medicare Seminars for people turning 65.

Many of my clients become my friends, ethics is very big with me and my clients, (I’m in the business of helping people). Let me help you through your Medicare journey.

Just call, email or text me, and we'll get started! :)

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Q&A with David Didier

What benefits are there to working with a Medicare Agent near me vs remote/virtual?

Answer: Hello,

I'm a people person, (I have years of experience in this Medicare journey).

I can help you to find the right solution to all the situations that might come up.

I travel to many people's homes to give that personal experience needed.

Just call me, I'm Local! I can help! :)

How do you educate clients who are completely new to Medicare?

Answer: Hello,

I gave seminars for years of people new to Medicare and how to navigate the Social Security site to apply for Medicare, (Part A, the Hospital coverage and the Part B the outpatient and Doctor coverage.)

I also answered many questions on Medicare and special situations on retirement plans and staying at work. Any questions , I'll make sure I answer with the right info needed,


What’s the biggest mistake seniors make when choosing a Medicare Part D plan?

Answer: Hello ,

On the Part D, (Prescription drug coverage).

I get a list of your prescriptions you are currently taking, then I go to the Medicare.gov

I check what plans cover the drugs and the pharmacies at the lowest cost, so you can get the best prices and control the budget for your cost for the year!

It is best to check all your cost at the pharmacy you use, (it might be costing you a lot, or it might be the best, the Medicare.gov site lets you know, call me, I can help!
